LAMPHHS 2022: Important COVID-19 Advisory
LAMPHHS will require masks and social distancing, and strongly recommends that all attendees be vaccinated.
LAMPHHS 2022: Venue, Travel, and Accommodations
Please see details about the LAMPHHS 2022 annual meeting in the
Winter 2022 issue of
The Watermark.
Rooms are available for LAMPHHS members at the Saratoga
Hilton Hotel, which is attached to the Saratoga Springs Conference Center, in downtown Saratoga Springs, New York.
Hotel room rates have been negotiated by the American Association for the History of Medicine (AAHM).
The conference room rate is $199/night with a 7% New York sales tax and a 6% occupancy tax.
Parking is available for $10 per vehicle per night. The conference rate is available Wednesday through Saturday, April 20-23
through the online registration portal:
If you would like to make reservations for Tuesday, April 19th and/or Sunday, April 24, the conference rate is available; however,
please make your reservations by phone: 888-866-3596. Be sure to mention the code AAHM2022 to obtain the
conference rate. The cut-off for reserving rooms at the conference room rate is 21 March 2022.
Important Links
LAMPHHS 2022 Program Committee
- Dan Cavanaugh, Chair
(dmc7be AT; Historical Collections, Claude Moore Health Sciences
Library, University of Virginia)
Nancy Dupre Barnes
(ndbarnes AT; Independent Consultant)
Brooke Fox
(foxeb AT; Waring Historical Library, Medical University of South Carolina)
Brooke Guthrie
(brooke.guthrie AT; David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library,
Duke University)
LAMPHHS 2022 Local Arrangements Committee
- Elise DeAndrea (she/her), Chair
(deandree AT; Archives & Special Collections, Health Sciences Library,
SUNY Upstate Medical University)
Cara Howe (she/her)
(howec AT; Archives & Special Collections, Health Sciences Library,
SUNY Upstate Medical University)
Nicole Topich (she/her)
(nrt4001 AT; Oskar Diethelm Library, DeWitt Wallace Institute of Psychiatry,
Weill Cornell Medicine)
Gabrielle Barr, Technology Subcommittee
(barrgabrielle8 AT; Office of NIH History and Stetten Museum)
Alison Lotto, Technology Subcommittee
( AT; Austen Riggs Center)
Russell Johnson, Advisor
(rjohnson AT; History and Special Collections for Medicine and the Sciences,
Library Special Collections, UCLA)
Micaela Sullivan-Fowler, Advisor
(micaela.sullivan-fowler AT; Ebling Library for the Health Sciences, University of Wisconsin)
Scheduled Meetings of AAHM (LAMPHHS typically meets on Wednesday afternoon/evening and Thursday of that week):
- AAHM 2022: Saratoga Springs, New York (April 21-24)
- AAHM 2023: Ann Arbor, Michigan
- AAHM 2024: Kansas City, Kansas
- AAHM 2025: To be determined