LAMPHHS 2022: Important COVID-19 Advisory
LAMPHHS will require masks and social distancing, and strongly recommends that all attendees be vaccinated.
LAMPHHS 2022: Registration Information
Step 1: Complete and submit the entire Registration Form (this is powered by Google Forms)
- Open and complete the LAMPHHS 2022 Meeting Registration Form [Open in New Tab or New Window, or you will get an error message!]
- Before you "Submit" the form, print a copy for your own records
- If you will be paying by Check, print a second copy of the form to send with your snailmailed payment.
- "Submit" the completed form.
Step 2: Calculate the total payment you will make
OPTION A: NOT attending dinner
- $60.00 = Member = I WILL attend the Meeting ($60.00); I WILL NOT attend the Dinner ($0.00)
- $75.00 = Non-member = I WILL attend the Meeting ($75.00); I WILL NOT attend the Dinner ($0.00)
- $45.00 = Student member = I WILL attend the Meeting ($45.00); I WILL NOT attend the Dinner ($0.00)
- $60.00 = Student non-member = I WILL attend the Meeting ($60.00); I WILL NOT attend the Dinner ($0.00)
OPTION B: Attending dinner
- $100.00 = Member = I WILL attend the Meeting ($60.00); and I WILL attend the Dinner ($40.00)
- $115.00 = Non-member = I WILL attend the Meeting ($75.00); and I WILL attend the Dinner ($40.00)
- $ 85.00 = Student member = I WILL attend the Meeting ($45.00); and I WILL attend the Dinner ($40.00)
- $100.00 = Student non-member = I WILL attend the Meeting ($60.00); and I WILL attend the Dinner ($40.00)
- $ 40.00 = Dinner only = I WILL NOT attend the Meeting ($0.00); but I WILL attend the Dinner ($40.00)
Step 3: Send your payment using payment type "ONLINE" or "CHECK"
- ONLINE payment: Select the correct "2022 LAMPHHS Conference Registration" Online Option (A or B) below.
Select ONLY ONE option!
Within that option, select the attendee's status in the pull-down menu. Then,
click the "Pay Now" button and complete your online payment with PayPal. Repeat this procedure for EACH person for whom you are paying (for example,
if you are paying for yourself and a companion, make TWO payments):
- CHECK payment:
- Please make your check payable in U.S. Dollars to "LAMPHHS"
- Enclose your check with a printed copy of your Conference Registration Form
- Snailmail the envelope to Tegan Kehoe, LAMPHHS Treasurer (see address, below)
Mailing address for checks:
Tegan Kehoe (LAMPHHS Treasurer)
c/o Russell Museum at Massachusetts General Hospital
55 Fruit Street
Boston, MA 02114 USA
Payment questions:
Tegan Kehoe (LAMPHHS Treasurer)
Important Links
Scheduled Meetings of AAHM (LAMPHHS typically meets on Wednesday afternoon/evening and Thursday of that week):
- AAHM 2022: Saratoga Springs, New York (April 21-24)
- AAHM 2023: Ann Arbor, Michigan
- AAHM 2024: Kansas City, Kansas
- AAHM 2025: To be determined