ALHHS (Archivists and Librarians in the History of the Health Sciences) 2017 Annual Meeting

2017 Annual Meeting, Archivists and Librarians in the History of the Health Sciences (ALHHS) and Medical Museums Association (MeMA)

Nashville Public Library
Nashville, Tennessee

3 - 4 May 2017

Archivists and Librarians in the History of the Health Sciences (ALHHS) and the Medical Museums Association (MeMA) are holding their 2017 annual meeting in Nashville, TN May 3-4. Located on the banks of the Cumberland River, Nashville is blessed with a temperate climate and a blend of urban vitality, arts and music, and natural beauty. With a vibrant restaurant scene, a variety of museums and cultural attractions, world-class music of all genres, and thousands of acres of city and state parks, Nashville has something for everyone.


Meeting Website (a Google site which contains everything listed below)
(IMPORTANT: Open this link in a New Tab or in a New Window; or Ctrl-Click on the link; or copy and paste the link address into your browser's search window. As a Google security measure, the site will not open within this Frame if you just click on the link here!)

  • Home/Welcome
  • Registration Form and Payment
  • Transportation to Nashville and the Sheraton Hotel
  • Wednesday Dinner
  • Annual Meeting Program
  • Repository Tours
  • Hotels/Accommodations
  • Things to Do in Nashville
  • Contacts

Note that there are several steps to register for the meeting. Payment is a separate step and you will not be prompted to pay upon completing your registration form. Please follow the instructions under Registration Form and Payment.

  1. Complete the entire Registration Form
  2. Return to the Meeting website for directions on Payment
  3. Calculate the total payment
  4. Payment. If you are making payment by PayPal, click on the line ABOVE "Pay Now"; this is a pull-down menu from which you will select one of three options; select one, then click "Pay Now"

2016 ALHHS/MeMA Annual Meeting (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
2015 ALHHS/MeMA Annual Meeting (New Haven, Connecticut)
2014 ALHHS Annual Meeting (Chicago, IL)
2013 ALHHS Annual Meeting (Atlanta, GA)
ALHHS Blue Book (Guidelines for Organizers of ALHHS Annual Meetings, 2008 edition)