Save the Dates for LAMPHHS 2022: April 20th and 21st
The LAMPHHS 2022 Annual Meeting will be held Wednesday, April 20 and Thursday, April 21 in
Saratoga Springs, New York. The meeting site, program, and activities are in development.
The American Association for the History of Medicine
(AAHM) annual meeting is scheduled from Thursday, April 21 through Sunday, April 24 at
Saratoga Springs City Center and the adjacent Hilton Hotel.
2022 LAMPHHS Annual Meeting Call for Proposals
Librarians, Archivists, and Museum Professionals in the History of the Health
Sciences (LAMPHHS) invites you to submit a proposal for its annual meeting,
to be held in Saratoga Springs, New York, April 20-21, 2022. We welcome
all proposals, but we are especially interested in hearing about how a
recent project fostered a renewed commitment to your career working with
historical health sciences collections.
Session Formats: The Program Committee encourages submission of proposals that may include,
but are not limited to, the following formats:
- Individual Presentations: Speakers should expect to give a presentation of no more than 15
minutes followed by 10 minutes of discussion. Individual papers will be combined into panels.
- Panel Discussion: Open session with a panel of 3 to 4 individuals informally
discussing a variety of theories or perspectives on a common topic. Please confirm participation
with all panelists before submitting the panel proposal.
- Traditional: Open session with two to three fully prepared papers of
fifteen (15) minutes each and a comment and discussion period after the presentations.
- Special Focus Session: 60-minute session designed to highlight
innovative archives or museum programs, new techniques, and research projects.
Audience participation is encouraged.
NOTE: Panels and sessions are limited to 60 minutes:
12-15 minutes for each panelist + 12-15 minutes for Q&A.
Please submit your proposal via this submission form:
The deadline for submitting session proposals is Friday, February 4, 2022.
This will be a hybrid conference. Please note if you plan to present virtually or in person.
You must be a LAMPHHS member to submit a proposal. Not a member? Join for only
$15.00 at LAMPHHS Membership.
If you have any questions please email Dan Cavanaugh, Program Committee Chair, at:
dmc7be AT
LAMPHHS 2022 Program Committee
- Dan Cavanaugh, Chair
(dmc7be AT; Historical Collections, Claude Moore Health Sciences
Library, University of Virginia)
Nancy Dupre Barnes
(ndbarnes AT; Independent Consultant)
Brooke Fox
(foxeb AT; Waring Historical Library, Medical University of South Carolina)
Brooke Guthrie
(brooke.guthrie AT; David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library,
Duke University)
LAMPHHS 2022 Local Arrangements Committee
- Elise DeAndrea (she/her), Chair
(deandree AT; Archives & Special Collections, Health Sciences Library,
SUNY Upstate Medical University)
Cara Howe (she/her)
(howec AT; Archives & Special Collections, Health Sciences Library,
SUNY Upstate Medical University)
Nicole Topich (she/her)
(nrt4001 AT; Oskar Diethelm Library, DeWitt Wallace Institute of Psychiatry,
Weill Cornell Medicine)
Gabrielle Barr, Technology Subcommittee
(barrgabrielle8 AT; Office of NIH History and Stetten Museum)
Alison Lotto, Technology Subcommittee
( AT; Austen Riggs Center)
Russell Johnson, Advisor
(rjohnson AT; History and Special Collections for Medicine and the Sciences,
Library Special Collections, UCLA)
Micaela Sullivan-Fowler, Advisor
(micaela.sullivan-fowler AT; Ebling Library for the Health Sciences, University of Wisconsin)
Greetings from the Local Arrangements Committee (9 August 2021):
Hello Everyone! I'm Elise DeAndrea and I'll be chairing our LAC for the Spring 2022 LAMPHHS meeting
in Saratoga Springs. I am the Assistant Archivist in our Health Sciences Library at SUNY Upstate
Medical University in Syracuse, NY. I have been a member of LAMPHHS since 2020 and this will
be my first meeting. Cara Howe, who is Assistant Director for Archives & Special Collections at
Upstate, will also be on the LAC committee. Feel free to reach out to us with questions or
input on local arrangements for Saratoga!
Scheduled Meetings of AAHM (LAMPHHS typically meets on Wednesday afternoon/evening and Thursday of that week):
- AAHM 2022: Saratoga Springs, New York (April 21-24)
- AAHM 2023: Ann Arbor, Michigan
- AAHM 2024: Kansas City, Kansas