The Travel Scholarships Committee of Librarians, Archivists, and Museum Professionals in the History of the
Health Sciences (LAMPHHS)
is now accepting applications from members seeking funds to support their attendance at the 2023 Annual Meeting in Ann Arbor, Michigan
on 10-11 May, 2023.
LAMPHHS awards up to four annual conference travel stipends to members of the organization who are staff, volunteers, students, or early career
professionals working for health science history museums, libraries, or archives. The purpose of these awards is to encourage and support
continued education and professional engagement for members working in the field.
The Awards are:
- Patsy Gerstner Travel Fund ($600.00)
- Gretchen Worden Memorial Travel Fund ($600.00)
- Joan E. Klein Travel Scholarship (two $600.00 awards)
Important Information:
- Applicants must be LAMPHHS members to apply for the travel scholarship award. Interested individuals
who are not yet members can join LAMPHHS immediately prior to submitting their travel scholarship application.
- These awards are open to students who are degree-seeking individuals attending an accredited college or university,
and to staff, volunteers, or early career professionals working in the history of the health sciences, particularly,
in libraries, archives, or museums. Early career professionals are those who have worked in the history of the
health sciences field fewer than five years, although they may have been employed in the profession longer.
- Applicants should submit a brief personal statement (no more than 500 words) which highlights their interest in the conference,
how attendance will benefit them, and why they need financial support.
- Applicants should submit, along with their application, a letter of recommendation from either their academic advisor
(students) or immediate supervisor (staff and volunteers).
These letters should be sent by the applicant with the application. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
- Applications must be received 8 weeks before the opening session of the conference. The deadline for the
2023 Annual Meeting is March 15, 2023. Late applications will not be considered.
- All applicants will be notified of the scholarship committee decision 6 weeks prior to the start of the conference.
This is March 29th, 2023.
- Previous winners are not eligible to apply.
- The Travel Scholarships Committee reserves the right not to award all travel stipends in any particular year.
Application Form [Word (DOCX file) format]
Submit the application form, a personal statement, and a letter of recommendation
to be received by the
Chair of the committee by March 15, 2023:
Brandon Pieczko
bpieczko AT iu.edu
For further information, please contact the committee Chair, Brandon Pieczko, at
bpieczko AT iu.edu.
Award recipients:
- 2019 Joan E. Klein Travel Scholarship : Katherine Isham (Cushing/Whitney Medical Historical Library, Yale School of Medicine)
- 2019 Joan E. Klein Travel Scholarship : Carmen Niemeyer (graduate student; University of Wisconsin, Madison)
- 2018 Joan E. Klein Travel Scholarship : Kelsi Evans (University of California, San Francisco)
- 2018 Joan E. Klein Travel Scholarship : Tegan Kehoe (Paul S. Russell Museum of Medical History and Innovation, Massachusetts General Hospital)
- 2017 Joan E. Klein Travel Scholarship : Gabriella Barr (Health Sciences Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
- 2017 Joan E. Klein Travel Scholarship : Jamie Rees (Clendening History of Medicine Library and Museum, University of Kansas)
This distinguished service award for for members of LAMPHHS and its
predecessor organizations was named in honor of Lisabeth M. Holloway, who was a founder of ALHHS,
served as ALHHS president Pro Tem in 1975, and was for many years the editor of The Watermark.
The award recognizes significant contributions through leadership and service to
LAMPHHS/ALHHS/MeMA and the profession.
Award Recipients:
- Patricia E. Gallagher (2022)
- Barbara J. Niss (2022)
- Micaela Sullivan-Fowler (2021)
- Judy Chelnick (2020)
- Lisa Mix (2020)
- Stephen J. Greenberg (2018)
- Stephen E. Novak (2018)
- Jodi Koste (2017)
- Arlene Shaner (2016)
- Philip M. Teigen (2011)
- Lucretia McClure (2003)
- Judith (Robin) Overmier (2000)
- Nancy Whitten Zinn (1997)
- Estelle Brodman (1993)
Nominations Procedure:
Nominations should be submitted as a one- to two-page letter describing the nominee's
outstanding professional achievements and the impact of his/her contributions on LAMPHHS/ALHHS/MeMA and
the profession. A current curriculum vitae as well as letter(s) of support (a limit of 2)
are not required but provide helpful additional information to the Recognition Awards Committee. All
submission materials should be in Word or PDF format. The
Committee also may seek additional information on a nominee from the nominator or other sources as needed.
Criteria for evaluation:
- Membership in LAMPHHS (ALHHS/MeMA)
- LAMPHHS (ALHHS/MeMA) office(s) held
- LAMPHHS (ALHHS/MeMA) committee(s) chaired or served on
- Outstanding service to one's institution
- Contributions to the profession, i.e., history of health science librarianship/archival administration.
A nominee cannot be a member of the Recognition Awards Committee nor can a Committee member nominate. If
no worthy nominations are received, no award will be given.
The Lisabeth M. Holloway Award will be announced at the annual meeting of
LAMPHHS in April 2022. The winner is not required to be present.
Submit nominations (including self-nominations) and any accompanying materials to the
Chair of the Recognition Awards Committee by Friday, 21 January 2022:
Megan Keller Young, Chair
Special Collections and University Archives
University of Illinois Chicago
megank AT uic.edu
For further information, please contact the committee Chair,
Megan Keller Young, at megank AT uic.edu.
Librarians, Archivists, and Museum Professionals in the History of the Health Sciences (LAMPHHS)
is seeking nominations for the Recognition of Merit Award.
Award Recipients:
- Dr. Joseph D. (Joe) Brain (2022), for service to the Center for the History of Medicine
(Countway Library, Harvard Medical School)
- W. Bruce Fye (2018)
- Dr. and Mrs. Adam G.N. Moore (2014), for their support of the collections of the Center
for the History of Family Medicine (American Academy of Family Physicians, Leawood, Kansas)
- Erich Meyerhoff (2010)
- Genevieve Miller (awarded 2007; presented in-person 2009)
- William Helfand (2003)
There are two categories of recognition:
The first category of recognition: either members or
non-members, who make gifts of an extraordinary nature to health sciences libraries.
Gifts of magnitude would include, but not be limited to, the following
- Materials such as
rare/historical books, journals, or items in other formats, of significant value,
book collections by author or subject, or furniture, computers, or other kinds of equipment.
- Artwork such as portraits, posters, paintings, photographs, sculpture, instruments, or medical objects.
- Monetary gifts sufficient to establish memorials or endowments or significant donations.
The second category of recognition: non-members of LAMPHHS who
have provided long-time excellent service to health sciences libraries. Examples include:
- A supporter of a library over a long period of time
- A person who has made an intellectual contribution to a library by surveying or indexing a collection
- A person who has given extraordinary support to a library by serving as an advocate to
the administration of the institution
Nominations Procedure:
Nominations for the Recognition of Merit should be submitted as a one- to two-page letter
describing the nominee's outstanding scope of donations, for the first category; and
his/her achievements and the impact of his/her contributions on health sciences libraries,
for the second category. Letter(s) of support (a limit of 2) are not
required but provide helpful additional information to the Recognition Awards Committee.
All submission materials should be in Word or PDF format. The Committee may
also seek additional information on a nominee from the nominator or other sources as needed.
A nominee under the first category, if a member of LAMPHHS, cannot be
a member of the Recognition Awards Committee. A Committee member also cannot make a nomination. If
no worthy nominations are received, no award will be given.
The Recognition of Merit will be announced at the annual meeting of
LAMPHHS in April, 2022. The winner is not required to be present.
Submit nominations (including self-nominations) and any accompanying materials to the Chair of the
Recognition Awards Committee
by Friday, 21 January 2022:
Megan Keller Young, Chair
Special Collections and University Archives
University of Illinois Chicago
megank AT uic.edu
For further information, please contact the committee Chair,
Megan Keller Young, at megank AT uic.edu.
The LAMPHHS Publication Awards, established by ALHHS in 1992,
are presented to the author(s) of a monograph,
article, or online resource related to the history of the health care sciences,
or works on the bibliography, librarianship and/or
curatorship of historical collections in the health care sciences.
Award Recipients:
- LAMPHHS Patricia E. Gallagher Best Article Award (2022) --
Paula Summerly and Iain Macintyre. The life and legacy of William Keiller (1861-1931),
anatomist, artist, and curator,
Journal of Medical Biography 2021 May; 29(2): 84-91.
URL: https://doi.org/10.1177/0967772019831860
(accessed 27 April 2022)
- LAMPHHS Patricia E. Gallagher Best Online Resource Award (2022) --
Keith C. Mages, Nicole J. Milano, Sarah S. Smith, Judy C. Stribling, and Diana Delgado.
Snake Oil to Social Media: Drug Advertising & Your Health.
Samuel J. Wood Library, Weill Cornell Medicine:
(accessed 27 April 2022)
- Best Monograph Award (2021) -- Megan Rosenbloom.
Dark Archives: A Librarian's Investigation into the Science and History of Books Bound in Human
Skin (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2020). Publisher's website:
(accessed 5 May 2021)
- Best Article Award (2021) -- Erin J. Torell, Tyler S. Pistone, and Andrew P. Gard.
The history of neurosurgery at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, Journal of Neurosurgery
2021 Feb 19. URL: https://doi.org/10.3171/2020.8.JNS20634
Online ahead of print (accessed 5 May 2021)
- Best Online Resource Award (2021) -- Micaela Sullivan-Fowler.
Investigating the Pandemic of 1918 and its Relationship to Today's Coronavirus: A History of the Health Sciences Guide
(UW-Madison Libraries Research Guide). Eberling Library, University of Wisconsin-Madison:
(accessed 5 May 2021)
- Best Monograph Award (2020) -- Shelley McKellar.
Artificial Hearts (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2018)
- Best Article Award (2020) -- Mary Hague-Yearl.
Osler Centenary Papers: Osler, Inscribed,
Postgraduate Medical Journal 2019, 95: 637-641.
- Best Monograph Award (2019) -- Margaret DeLacy.
The Germ of an Idea: Contagionism, Religion, and Society in Britain, 1660-1730 (Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire; New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016)
- Best Article Award (2019) -- Susan Speaker.
An Historical Overview of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NNLM), 1985-2015, Journal of the Medical
Library Association 2018, 106(2): 162-174. URL: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5886499/
- Best Online Resource Award (2019) -- Facendo Il Libro: The Making of Fasciculus Medicinae, an Early Printed Anatomy. New York Academy of Medicine:
- Best Monograph Award (2018) -- Aimee Medeiros.
Heightened Expectations: the Rise of the Human Growth Hormone Industry in America (Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2016)
- Best Online Resource Award (2018) -- National Library of Medicine. Web Collecting and Archiving Working Group. HIV/AIDS Web Archive. URL: https://archive-it.org/collections/8400
- Best Article Award (2017) -- Toby A. Appel.
Writing Women into Medical History in the 1930s: Kate Hurd-Mead and "Medical Women" of the Past and Present, Bulletin of the History of Medicine 2014, 88(3): 457-492
- Best Monograph Award (2016) -- W. Bruce Fye.
Caring for the Heart: Mayo Clinic and the Rise of Specialization (New York: Oxford University Press, 2015)
- Best Article Award (2016) -- Emily R. Novak Gustainis and Phoebe Evans Letocha.
The Practice of Privacy, Innovation, Collaboration and Models: Proceedings of the CLIR Cataloging Hidden Special Collections and Archives Symposium, CLIR publication 169: 63-176, 2015: http://www.clir.org/pubs/reports/pub169/gustainis-letocha
- Best Online Resource Award (2016) -- Joanne Murray and Chrissie Perella. Doctor or Doctress? Explore American History Through the Eyes of Women Physicians. The Legacy Center, Drexel University College of Medicine Archives & Special Collections. Philadelphia, PA. September 2014: www.doctordoctress.org
- Best Monograph Award (2015) -- Shelly McKenzie.
Getting Physical: The Rise of Fitness Culture in America (Lawrence, Kansas: University of Kansas Press, 2013)
- Best Article Award (2015) -- Jeffrey S. Reznick.
Embracing the Future as Stewards of the Past: Charting a Course Forward for Historical Medical Libraries and Archives, RBM: A Journal of Rare Books, Manuscripts, and Cultural Heritage Autumn 2014, 15:111-123
- Best Online Resource Award (2015) -- Michelle DiMeo (Conference Organizer, Co-Author, and Editor), for "Emerging Roles for Historical Medical Libraries: Value in the Digital Age," which appeared in open access format in RBM: A Journal of Rare Books, Manuscripts, and Cultural Heritage, Autumn 2014. URL: http://rbm.acrl.org/content/vol15/issue2/index.dtl
- Best Print Publication Award (2014) -- Eric W. Boyle.
Quack Medicine: A History of Combating Health Fraud in Twentieth-Century America (Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger, 2013)
- Best Online Resource Award (2014) -- Susan Hoffius (Curator) and Jennifer Welch (Digital Archivist).
Porcher Medicinal Garden: Cultivating Our History, an online exhibition of the Waring Historical Library, Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) Library. Charleston, South Carolina: Waring Historical Library, 2012. URL:
- Best Print Publication Award (Monograph) (2013) -- Michael Sapol (Ed.).
Hidden Treasure: The National Library of Medicine (New York: Blast Books, 2012)
. Also available as PDF document: http://collections.nlm.nih.gov/ext/pub/HIDDENTREASURE_NLM_BlastBooks.pdf
- Best Print Publication Award (Article) (2013) -- Jeffrey Reznick for Lenore Barbian, Paul S. Sledzick, and Jeffrey Reznick.
"Remains of war: Walt Whitman, Civil War soldiers, and the legacy of medical collections." Museum History Journal, January 2012, 5(1): 7-28
- Best Online Resource Award (2013) -- The Medical Heritage Library. URL:
- Best Print Publication Award (2012) -- Ellen S. More, Elizabeth Fee, and Manon Perry, Eds.
Women Physicians and the Cultures of Medicine (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009)
- Best Online Resource Award (2012) -- Christopher Lyons.
The Osler Library Prints Collection.
2011: McGill University Library. URL:
- Monograph Award (2011) -- James M. Edmonson and John Harley Warner.
Dissection: Photographs of a Rite of Passage in American Medicine 1880-1930 (New York: Blast Books, 2009)
- Article Award (2011) -- Stephen J. Greenberg and Patricia E. Gallagher. "The great contribution: Index Medicus,
Index-Catalogue, and IndexCat."
Journal of the Medical Library Association. 2009 April; 97(2): 108-113.
[PMCID: PMC2670211]
[doi: 10.3163/1536-5050.97.2.007]
- Michael Flannery (2006) --
Civil War Pharmacy: A History of Drugs, Drug Supply and Provision, and Therapeutics
for the Union and Confederacy (New York: Pharmaceutical Products Press, 2004)
- Christopher Hoolihan (2002)
- Joan Klein and Jodi Koste (1998)
- Jeremy Norman (1994)
Librarians, Archivists, and Museum Professionals in the History of the Health Sciences (LAMPHHS)
is seeking nominations for the Publication Awards. These awards will be presented at
the April, 2022 LAMPHHS annual meeting in Saratoga Springs, New York.
Books, significant articles, catalogs, bibliographies, and electronic resources
related to the history of the health care sciences, as well as works on the management of historical
collections in the health care sciences, are eligible for consideration.
Works must have been published within three years of the award date.
Re-nominations are allowed if the publication date falls within the current three-year period.
Nominated authors must be LAMPHHS members in good standing. Self-nominations are encouraged.
Nominations can be from one of three categories:
- Monographs published by academic or trade publishers.
- Articles published in journals, trade, or private periodicals of recognized standing.
- Online resources produced predominantly by LAMPHHS members.
All nominations must meet the following criteria:
- Published within 3 years of the award date;
- Author(s) must be LAMPHHS member(s) in good standing for the past 12 months;
- The nominated monograph, article, or electronic resource is related to the history of the health care
sciences or works on the bibliography, librarianship, and/or curatorship of historical collections in the
health sciences.
Nominations that meet each of the above criteria will be considered by the Publication Awards Committee.
The Committee will look for the following benchmarks of excellence when evaluating qualifying nominations:
- Quality and style of writing;
- Contribution to the field; and
- Relevance to the profession
Up to one Publication Award in each category will be presented at the 2022 annual meeting. Winners do not need to be present to win.
Each nomination should clearly identify the work being nominated, the author(s) of that work, and an address
at which the designated nominee(s) can be contacted. Only the first two authors named on the work can be considered
for the award unless the nominee is the only LAMPHHS member in the list of joint authorship.
Please include all relevant URLs.
Submission of 3 copies of all print-only nominations will be required.
Directions for the dispatch of these will be sent upon receipt of the nomination.
The deadline for nominations is Friday, 4 March 2022.
All nominations, along with any questions, should be sent to the 2022 Publication Awards Committee chair, Carrie Meyer,
at carrie.meyer AT unmc.edu.
LAMPHHS Publication Awards Committee
Carrie Meyer, chair
Erin Torell
Toby Appel
W. Bruce Fye
ALHHS established the Curatorship Award to recognize outstanding individual
achievement by a member in the field of medical historical curatorship.
Award Recipient:
Librarians, Archivists, and Museum Professionals in the History of the Health Sciences: Awards
Last updated 13 August 2022