2015 Annual Meeting, Archivists and Librarians in the History of the Health Sciences (ALHHS) and Medical Museums Association (MeMA)
Yale University
New Haven, Connecticut
29 - 30 April 2014
First Announcement
The Elm City hosts the 2015 ALHHS Annual Meeting!
On April 29th and 30th, Archivists and Librarians in the History of the Health Sciences (ALHHS) and the Medical Museums Association (MeMA) will hold its 2015 annual meeting in historic New Haven, Connecticut. This will be the very first totally combined ALHHS and MeMA program.
Founded in 1638, New Haven is Connecticut’s second most populous city, and has been the home of Yale University since 1718. We hope you will have the opportunity to experience both the Yale campus and downtown New Haven during our meeting!
The annual Wednesday night dinner will be held at the elegant Graduate Club (155 Elm Street), just across New Haven Green from the conference hotel. Near the entrance is a portrait of past Graduate Club president Dr. William H. Carmalt, who served at Yale as Professor of Surgery from 1881 to 1907, promoted Lister’s concepts in the 1880s, performed the first appendectomy for early acute appendicitis in Connecticut in 1892, and wrote Heredity and Crime: A Study in Eugenics in 1909. We will contemplate his legacy while enjoying a fine buffet dinner!
The Thursday meeting will take place at the Yale School of Medicine (333 Cedar Street). The main program will be held in the Sterling Hall of Medicine’s Mary Harkness Auditorium, with lunch served in the Harvey Cushing / John Hay Whitney Medical Library. Located within the larger library, the Medical Historical Library holds major collections of rare books, journals, prints, photographs, and pamphlets, including over fifty medieval and renaissance manuscripts, Arabic and Persian manuscripts, and over 300 medical incunabula, as well as an exceptional collection of prints, drawings, posters and sheet music on medical subjects. An exhibition on monsters, prodigies, and teratology curated by a graduate student from the Program in the History of Science and Medicine will be on view during the meeting.
In the next issue of The Watermark, more information about the meeting program and tours (including the amazing Cushing Center and Yale-New Haven Hospital) will be forthcoming.
We look forward to seeing many of you next April! Don’t miss out!
Jennifer Miglus, HMS Librarian
Lyman Maynard Stowe Library
UConn Health
Robert Vietrogoski, Special Collections
Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences
George F. Smith Library of the Health Sciences
Excerpted from pages 6-7 of The Watermark (Vol. 38, no. 1, Winter 2014-2015)